Walker Basin Apr 15

A long offtrail hike with two ruins and several rock art panels
P4020001   WALKER BASIN P4020002 P4020004 P4020006
P4020007   From the public trail, we cross Walker Creek P4020008 P4020010 P4020011
P4020012 P4020013 P4020014 P4020015
P4020018 P4020020 P4020021 P4020022   ...and climb the dry heights on the other side
P4020023 P4020025 P4020026   Now we can look down on where we just were P4020027
P4020028   Multicolored lichens P4020029   A sego lily P4020030 P4020031   Lots of catclaw and prickkly pear today
P4020033   The ocotillo is leafing bu not yet in flower P4020036   Miniature dahlia P4020037 P4020038
P4020039 P4020041   The first rock art panel, "Bigfoot" P4020042 P4020044
P4020045 P4020046 P4020048 P4020050   An agave in bloom
P4020051 P4020053 P4020054 P4020056
P4020058   Another rock art panel P4020059   The first cirrus of a approaching cold front P4020060 P4020062
P4020066   Each of these panels are in widely scattered locations P4020068 P4020069 P4020070   This is a worked stone, but the reason for these depressions is unknown
P4020071 P4020072   This would have fallen off the cliff above P4020073 P4020075   A small hunting scene
P4020076 P4020077 P4020078 P4020080   On the alcove ceiling above this short wall, a lizard and two dogs
P4020081 P4020082   Are these tally marks? P4020083 P4020084
P4020085 P4020086   We cross Walker Creek again... P4020087 P4020088
P4020090 P4020091 P4020095 P4020096
P4020097   ..and climb a hillside to a pit house P4020099   A highly eroded calendar spitral P4020101 P4020102
P4020104 P4020105 P4020106 P4020108
P4020109 P4020112 P4020113 P4020114   This final climb takes us up to a place where we can cross above the ravine
P4020117 P4020118 P4020119 P4020121
P4020122 P4020123 P4020125 P4020127
P4020128 P4020129 P4020130 P4020132   Hedgehogs in bloom
P4020134 P4020136   A long descent to  return to the public trail P4020138 P4020139
P4020140   Crossing a basalt intrusion dike P4020143 P4020145 P4020146
P4020147   Back on the public trail P4020149 P4020151 P4020152   We find a fossil coral